Peter Shum
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist &
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor
LMFT #117965 & LPCC #9488
Area of Focus
Relationship Counseling for Couples
Individual Counseling for Life Issues: Mood, Addiction, Life transitions, Relationship Issues, Grief and Pain.
ICEEFT Trained Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) couples therapist - In the process of EFT Certification
M.A. Counseling - Western Seminary
Addiction Certificate - Western Seminary
Chinese - Mandarin, Cantonese
Anthem Blue Cross
Our world today is full of challenges. Many stressors in life knock us off balance, and we feel overwhelmed, distressed, sometimes angry, sad and lonely. But you do not need to face the challenges alone. I am passionate to help people regain the balance by being more attuned to themselves - their identities, emotions, and physical needs. I work collaboratively with my clients to explore and identify ways to meet their goals, and provide tools and interventions as fitting. Most importantly, I walk alongside them in their journey to attain health and growth.
I have additional training and experiences in working with people struggling with addiction and people who want to improve their couples relationships. My style is compassionate and my clinical approach is informed by Attachment Theory. I incorporate evidence-based practices in my clinical work and I use Emotion Focus Therapy (EFT) especially for couples.
I am trilingual (Mandarin, Cantonese, English) and bi-cultural. I am committed to provide culturally sensitive services to clients not only in the Asian Americans community, but also from diverse backgrounds. I enjoy integrating spirituality in my clinical work whenever it is appropriate as I believe spiritual health and mental health go hand in hand.
Note: I am providing in-person session currently only on Wed. I offer teletherapy, using Zoom on other days.
人類 的構造是複雜的。我們的思想,身體和靈魂都是相互聯繫的。 當我們不平衡時,經常會出現問題。 在當今充滿挑戰,緊湊,競爭激烈的世界中,正視心理健康而不去遏制或壓抑變得尤為重要。 我相信,當我們更加了解自己 - 我們的身份,情感和身體需要時,我們將給予自己,我們的親人和他人,以及神一個健康的關係。 作為心理咨詢師,我會爭取與你同步。 我會與你合作,共同探索和釐定方法去實現治療目標,並提供合適的工具和治癒。 最重要的是,我會在你身邊同行,伴著你去實現健康和生命成長。
我於2015年在聖何西的western神學院完成了婚姻與家庭治(MFT)碩士學位和成癮研究證書。 從那時起,我就從事心理諮詢工作。我開始實習是在舊金山唐人街的Cameron House,為華人移民社區服務。 在那之後,我在聖馬刁懸的Pyramid Alternatives工作,幫助那些與酒癮和毒癮掙扎的人康復並重新融入社會。 我帶領了有關成癮和心理健康主題的心理疏導和教育小組,同時為受困且受過創傷的成人提供個人化治療。 此外,我在Star Vista的門診心理諮詢中心工作,為社區中具有不同文化背景的兒童,青少年,成人,夫婦和家庭提供雙語心理治療服務。 通過在那裡的工作,我對夫妻工作產生了付擔,促使我繼續進修「情緖取向婚姻治療」的培訓。
我相信神不斷用我的生活經驗來塑造我幫助人的角度。 作為在美國不同地區生活了近三十年的第一代華人移民,我對中美文化以及新移民在適應過程中所面臨的挑戰有深刻的了解。 我以電子工程師的身份開始了我的職業生涯,並在矽谷的高科技行業工作了13年。 在此,我親身體會到一個高壓,不計代價的工作環境會如何影響心理健康。 在有了神的恩典和確認下,我決定改變職業,前往神學院學習心理諮詢。在那裏,我更加認定屬靈健康和心理健康是相輔相成,這亦影響我治療的方向。 在工程師與學習心理諮詢之間,我結婚並育有兩個孩子。 迄今為止,我繼續經歴挑戰,並實踐如何在異於自己的文化環境下養育孩子。 我明白以雙重文化的角度,生活在大灣區的意義。 在我參與教會的兒童和家庭事工的十多年中,我認識到與親密伴侶的健康依付是整個家庭健康福祉的基礎,而這要源於與神有了健康的依付。
請注意:我目前僅於週三提供面對面會議 (in-person session)。我在其他日子使用Zoom提供遠程療法 (teletherapy)。